SJ Quinney College of Law Conference Center Law Room 6619-6623 (combined)
Venue Details
- Location: S.J.Quinney College of Law - 070
- Room Name/Number: Law Room 6619-6623 (combined)
- Venue Style: Flexible space
- Max Capacity: 101-200
- Square Footage: 2001 – 4000
- Seating Type: Flexible
To book this venue, please contact the venue representative above with your dates and event details.
More Info
- Available To Be Rented By: Internal & External Groups
- Approved For Alcohol: Yes
- Rentable Timeframe: 7:00 am through 10:00 pm
- Rental Limitations: Yes
- Rental Limitation Details: The S.J. Quinney College of Law Conference Center offers the ideal location for your next conference, business meeting, training, or banquet. We are dedicated to providing quality service within a well-designed LEED Platinum certified building with options for single or multi-day events. Our experienced staff and amazing, high-tech venue will make your event the best it can be. The mission of the S.J. Quinney College of Law is to excel in professional legal education. Our event and function space policies are designed to support the academic mission of the college. Please contact us for specific guidelines.
- Exclusive Providers: Yes
- Exclusive Provider Details: Food and beverage service may be provided through one of the College of Law’s preferred caterers or through an outside caterer/vendor. The S.J. Quinney College of Law preferred caterers are those who are familiar with the Law building, and meet or exceed our Green and Sustainable Practices. The S.J. Quinney College of Law reserves the right of final approval for any caterer/vendor selected for the event. All caterers must read, understand and sign the Caterer Service Request Addendum to the rental agreement, and follow the S.J. Quinney College of Law guidelines and kitchen rules.
- Parking Availability: Yes
- Parking Availability Details: The location of the Law building provides parking and other transportation options. The Rice Eccles Stadium parking lot, bus, and a TRAX light rail station is across the street from the building. Parking availability and fees vary on the day and time of the event. When feasible we do encourage event attendees to use public transportation.
- Required Fees: Tiered fees based on renter